subplots matplotlib examples
fig, axs = plt. subplots ( 2 , 2 )
axs[ 0 , 0 ] . plot ( x, y)
axs[ 0 , 0 ] . set_title ( "main" )
axs[ 1 , 0 ] . plot ( x, y** 2 )
axs[ 1 , 0 ] . set_title ( "shares x with main" )
axs[ 1 , 0 ] . sharex ( axs[ 0 , 0 ] )
axs[ 0 , 1 ] . plot ( x + 1 , y + 1 )
axs[ 0 , 1 ] . set_title ( "unrelated" )
axs[ 1 , 1 ] . plot ( x + 2 , y + 2 )
axs[ 1 , 1 ] . set_title ( "also unrelated" )
fig. tight_layout ( )
matplotlib subplots
# Example with 3 figures ( more can be added)
fig, ( fig1, fig2, fig3) = plt. subplots ( 1 , 3 ) # subplots ( row, columns)
fig1. plot ( x, y)
fig2. plot ( x, y)
fig3. plot ( x, y)
plt. show ( )
get subplots in matplotlib
fig, ax = plt. subplots ( 3 , 2 , figsize= ( 25 , 10 ) , )
i, j = 0 , 0
for each in list_of_images:
img = cv. imread ( each. name)
ax[ i, j] . imshow ( img)
if j == 1 :
j = 0
if i != 2 :
i += 1
else :
j += 1
subplots in subplots
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
import matplotlib. gridspec as gridspec
fig = plt. figure ( figsize= ( 10 , 8 ) )
outer = gridspec. GridSpec ( 2 , 2 , wspace= 0.2 , hspace= 0.2 )
for i in range ( 4 ) :
inner = gridspec. GridSpecFromSubplotSpec ( 2 , 1 ,
subplot_spec= outer[ i] , wspace= 0.1 , hspace= 0.1 )
for j in range ( 2 ) :
ax = plt. Subplot ( fig, inner[ j] )
t = ax. text ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 'outer=%d, inner=%d' % ( i, j) )
t. set_ha ( 'center' )
ax. set_xticks ( [ ] )
ax. set_yticks ( [ ] )
fig. add_subplot ( ax)
fig. show ( )
subplots matplotlib
# using the variable ax for single a Axes
fig, ax = plt. subplots ( )
# using the variable axs for multiple Axes
fig, axs = plt. subplots ( 2 , 2 )
# using tuple unpacking for multiple Axes
fig, ( ax1, ax2) = plt. subplot ( 1 , 2 )
fig, ( ( ax1, ax2) , ( ax3, ax4) ) = plt. subplot ( 2 , 2 )
subplots matplotlib
fig, axes = plt. subplots ( 1 , 3 , figsize= ( 15 , 5 ) , sharey= True)
fig. suptitle ( 'Initial Pokemon - 1st Generation' )
# Bulbasaur
sns. barplot ( ax= axes[ 0 ] , x= bulbasaur. index, y= bulbasaur. values)
axes[ 0 ] . set_title ( bulbasaur. name)
# Charmander
sns. barplot ( ax= axes[ 1 ] , x= charmander. index, y= charmander. values)
axes[ 1 ] . set_title ( charmander. name)
# Squirtle
sns. barplot ( ax= axes[ 2 ] , x= squirtle. index, y= squirtle. values)
axes[ 2 ] . set_title ( squirtle. name)
plt.subplot python
plt. subplot ( nb_rows, nb_cols, position)
subplots matplotlib
fig, ( ax1, ax2) = plt. subplots ( 2 )
fig. suptitle ( 'Vertically stacked subplots' )
ax1. plot ( x, y)
ax2. plot ( x, - y)
fig, ( ax1, ax2) = plt. subplots ( 1 , 2 ) #in lines
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