

whats my country

It is India, fs!

my country

Bangladesh is a very small country with huge population. It is a 
medium-developed country in South Asia. We have a very good and progressing 
economy. It has an area of 147,570 square kilometers. But it has a 
population of 164 million. That is huge than the area. 
But it is still a very beautiful and peaceful country. People of Bangladesh 
are so friendly with each other. This country has a glorious history of 
independence. We got independence from Pakistan in 1971 after nine mothers’ 
blood-shedding war. More than 3 million Bangladeshi sacrificed their life 
in that genocide. 
But still, we were able to get our independence. After independence, the 
newly born country faced lots of hard times and struggles. But it rises very 
well. Now Bangladesh is one of the best countries to live in South Asia. 
There are so many beautiful spots to see in this country.

Code Example
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Typescript :: typescript date before 
Typescript :: destroy objects when they move below camera unity 
Typescript :: pytest tests in subfolder 
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Source link
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