[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

labeled parameters 
    in dictionaries 
Late Night Software  [See Script Debugger]
launch command 
launched handler 
    list property 
    record property 
    string property 
less than (<) operator 
less than or equal to operator () 
lexical nesting 
lexical scoping 
LIFO (last in, first out), request handling for applets 
line breaks
    changed by compilation 
    in scripts 
    in string literals  2nd 
    in VBA 
list disks command 
list folder command 
    access speed, improving with references 
    assignments of values to 
    coercions of 
        implicit coercion to string 
    containment and 
    elements of 
    item-deletion handler 
    item-filtering handler  2nd 
    item-finding handler 
    item-insertion handler 
    length and item attributes 
    nonexistent items, asking for 
    passed by reference 
    properties of 
    running through with repeat blocks 
    size of 
    storage as vectors 
    as value types 
little computer languages 
load script command  2nd 
    higher-level variables referred to in script object 
loading dictionaries 
local (keyword) 
local applications 
local variables
    explicit locals 
        handler parameters 
    redeclarations of 
    references to, creating 
    undeclared variables not at top level 
    visible to script object defined in handler  2nd 
location reference  2nd 
log command  2nd 
logging commands 
    stop log, start log 
logical and operator 
logical not operator 
logical or operator 
    optimization of loops 
    repeat blocks, getting out of 
    repeat n times 
    repeat until 
    repeat while 
    repeat with 
        get command 
    repeating forever 

[ Team LiB ]