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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

xd:add element  2nd  3rd 
xd:change element  2nd  3rd 
xd:diffgram element  2nd 
xd:node element  2nd  3rd 
xd:remove element  2nd  3rd  4th 
xd:xmldiff element 
XDL (XML Difference Language) Diffgram
    Compare( ) method and 
    XmlPatch.exe and 
XDR (XML-Data-Reduced) documents  2nd  3rd 
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
    .NET Framework assemblies 
    alternate syntaxes 
    DOM and 
    family of standards 
    .NET and  2nd 
    PYX and  2nd 
    reading data 
    reading from databases 
    reserved characters 
    validating  2nd 
    Web Services and 
    writing data 
xml (xsl:output method) 
XML documents
    DiffGram as 
    DOCTYPE element 
    elements and attributes 
    formats for 
    generating schemas from  2nd 
    loading  2nd 
    nodes and  2nd  3rd 
    nodes and classes 
    notation declarations 
    stylesheets and  2nd 
    System.Xml.XPath namespace and 
    tasks performed with 
    XmlReader class and 
    XPath specification and 
    XSLT and  2nd 
XML Schema
    DataSet subclass 
    document order 
    regular expressions 
    serialization format 
    System.Xml.Schema namespace  2nd 
    UDDI data model as 
    validation and 
    W3C and 
    Web Services 
    working with 
    XML serialization 
    XmlReader and 
XML Schema Definition tool  [See xsd.exe tool]
XML serialization
    usage recommendations  2nd 
XML Stylesheet Language-Transformations  [See XSLT]
XML token 
XML-Data Reduced  [See XDR]
XML-RPC  2nd  3rd 
xml-stylesheet processing instruction  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
xml:lang element  2nd 
xml:space  2nd 
XmlAnyAttributeAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlAnyElementAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlAnyElements property (XmlAttributes) 
XmlArrayAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlArrayItemAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlArrayItemAttributes class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlAttribute class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd 
XmlAttribute property (XmlAttributeAttribute) 
XmlAttributeAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)
    Namespace property 
    serialization  2nd 
    XmlAttribute property 
XmlAttributeCollection class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlAttributeEventArgs class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlAttributeEventHandler delegate (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlAttributeOverrides class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XmlAttributes class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd  3rd 
XmlCaseOrder enumeration (System.Xml.XPath) 
XmlCDataSection class (System.Xml) 
XmlCharacterData class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlComment class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlConvert class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlDataDocument class (System.Xml)
    reading data 
    structure of 
    XML Schema and 
    XPath queries and 
XmlDataType enumeration (System.Xml.XPath) 
XmlDeclaration class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlDiff class (XmlDiffPatch)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlDiff.exe executable 
XmlDiffAlgorithm enumeration 
XmlDiffOptions enumeration  2nd 
XmlDiffPatch namespace 
XmlDocument class (System.Xml)
    CreateDocumentFragment( ) method 
    creating nodes 
    DOM and 
    DTD validation 
    GetElementsByTagName( ) 
    ImportNode( ) method  2nd 
    Load( ) method 
    navigating XSDs 
    random access 
    Save( ) method 
    XmlNode class and 
    XmlNodeChangedEventHandler delegate 
    XPath and 
    XSD documents and 
XmlDocumentFragment class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd 
XmlDocumentType class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlDocumentType nodes  2nd  3rd 
XmlElement attribute (XmlSerializer) 
XmlElement class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XmlElementAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)
    Address class and 
    Name property 
    Namespace property 
    serialization  2nd 
    specifics  2nd 
    XmlElements property and 
XmlElementAttributes class (System.Xml.Serialization) 
XmlElementEventArgs class (System.Xml.Serialization) 
XmlElementEventHandler delegate (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlElements property (XmlAttributesOverrides) 
XmlEntity class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlEntityReference class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd 
XmlEnumAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlException class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd 
XmlIgnoreAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlImplementation class (System.Xml)
    CreateDocument( ) method  2nd 
    DOM and 
    hasFeature( ) method 
    specifics  2nd 
    XmlNameTable class and 
XmlIncludeAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlLang property (XmlPyxReader) 
XmlLinkedNode class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlNamedNodeMap class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlNamespaceDeclarationsAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization) 
XmlNamespaceManager class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlNameTable class (System.Xml)
    namespace URI 
    Node instance data 
    sharing instances 
    specifics  2nd 
    string objects 
    XmlDocument and 
XmlNode class (System.Xml)
    DOM and  2nd 
    GetNavigator( ) method 
    reading from memory 
    RemoveChild( ) method 
    SelectNodes( ) method  2nd 
    validating XML 
    XmlDocument class and 
    XmlTextReader and 
XmlNodeChangedAction enumeration (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlNodeChangedEventArgs class (System.Xml) 
XmlNodeChangedEventHandler delegate (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlNodeEventArgs class (System.Xml.Serialization) 
XmlNodeEventHandler delegate (System.Xml.Serialization) 
XmlNodeList class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlNodeOrder enumeration (System.Xml) 
XmlNodeReader class (System.Xml)
    functionality  2nd 
    specifics  2nd 
    XmlReader and 
XmlNodeType enumeration (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XmlNotation class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd 
xmlns:xd attribute (xd:xmldiff) 
xmlns:xml namespace 
XmlParserContext class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlPatch class  2nd 
XmlPatch.exe executable 
XmlProcessingInstruction class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlPyxReader class
    customizing XmlReader 
    Read( ) method 
    testing  2nd 
XmlPyxWriter class 
XmlQualifiedName class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlReader class (System.Xml)
    deserializing from 
    DTD validation 
    loading XML documents 
    loading XmlDocument 
    NodeType property 
    Read( ) method 
    reading XML 
    writing subclass of 
    Xml Schema definitions 
    XmlNamespaceManager class and 
    XmlTextReader class 
    XPath as substitute for 
    XPathDocument and 
    XSD documents and 
XmlResolver class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlResolver property  2nd 
XmlRootAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)
    serialization  2nd 
    specifics  2nd 
XmlSchema class (System.Xml.Schema)
    Read( ) method 
    validating XSDs 
XmlSchemaAll class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaAnnotated class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaAnnotation class (System.Xml.Schema) 
    XmlSchema and  2nd  3rd 
    XmlSchemaObject and 
XmlSchemaAny class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaAnyAttribute class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaAppInfo class (System.Xml.Schema)
    XmlSchema and 
    XmlSchemaObject and 
XmlSchemaAttribute class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XmlSchemaAttributeGroup class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaChoice class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaCollection class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaComplexContent class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlSchemaComplexType class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlSchemaContent class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaContentModel class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaContentProcessing enumeration (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaContentType enumeration (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaDatatype class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaDerivationMethod enumeration (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaDocumentation class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
XmlSchemaElement class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaException class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XmlSchemaExternal class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlSchemaFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaForm enumeration (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaGroup class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XmlSchemaGroupBase class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaGroupRef class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaImport class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaInclude class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaKey class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaKeyRef class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaLengthFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaNotation class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaNumericFacet class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaObject class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlSchemaObjectCollection class (System.Xml.Schema)
    GetEnumerator( ) method 
    Item property 
    namespace and 
    specifics  2nd  3rd 
    XmlSchemaAll and 
    XmlSchemaAnnotation and 
    XmlSchemaAttributeGroup and 
XmlSchemaObjectEnumerator class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaObjectTable class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaObjectTables class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaParticle class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaPatternFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaRedefine class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaSequence class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaSimpleContent class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaSimpleType class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd  4th 
XmlSchemaSimpleTypeContent class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaType class (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaUnique class (System.Xml.Schema)  2nd 
XmlSchemaUse enumeration (System.Xml.Schema) 
XmlSchemaWhitespaceFacet class 
XmlSchemaXPath class  2nd  3rd 
XmlSecureResolver class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlSerializer class (System.Xml.Serialization)
    C# type 
    Deserialize( ) method  2nd  3rd  4th 
    generating source code 
    purpose  2nd 
    serialization and 
    Serialize( ) method  2nd 
    SOAP serialization 
    UnknownAttribute event 
    UnknownElement event 
    UnknownNode event  2nd 
    XML Schema and 
    XmlElement attribute 
XmlSerializerNamespaces class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd  3rd 
XmlSeverityType enumeration 
XmlSignificantWhitespace class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlSortOrder enumeration (System.Xml.XPath) 
XmlSpace enumeration (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlSpace property (XmlPyxReader) 
XmlText class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlTextAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlTextReader class (System.Xml)
    XmlNode class and 
    XmlParserContext class and 
    XmlReader class and  2nd 
XmlTextWriter class (System.Xml)
    example  2nd 
    XmlWriter class 
XmlTokenizedType enumeration (System.Xml) 
XmlTypeAttribute class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd 
XmlTypeMapping class (System.Xml.Serialization)  2nd  3rd 
XmlUrlResolver class (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd 
XmlValidatingReader class (System.Xml)
    Stream and 
    ValidationType enum 
    XmlParserContext class and 
    XmlReader class and  2nd 
XmlWhitespace class (System.Xml)  2nd 
XmlWriteMode enumeration  2nd 
XmlWriter class (System.Xml)
    DTD validation 
    subclasses of 
    XmlTextWriter class and 
    XSD documents and 
XmlWriteState enumeration 
    document type declarations 
    DOM and 
    navigating non-XML documents 
    queries  2nd 
    querying data 
    SelectNodes( ) method 
    System.Xml.XPath namespace and 
    XML documents and 
    XmlSchemaKey class and 
    XPathDocument  2nd 
    XSL and 
    XSLT pattern matching and 
XPath expressions  2nd  3rd  4th 
XPathDocument class (System.Xml.XPath)
    DTD validation 
    GetNavigator( ) method 
    IXPathNavigable and 
    overview  2nd  3rd 
    random access 
    specifics  2nd 
XPathDocumentNavigator  2nd 
XPathException class (System.Xml.XPath) 
XPathExpression class (System.Xml.XPath)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XPathNamespaceScope enumeration (System.Xml.XPath) 
XPathNavigator class (System.Xml.XPath)
    Compile( ) method 
    HasChildren property 
    selecting nodes 
    stylesheets and 
    XSD documents and 
XPathNodeIterator class (System.Xml.XPath)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
XPathNodeType enumeration (System.Xml.XPath)  2nd 
XPathResultType enumeration (System.Xml.XPath) 
xs prefix element 
xs:all element  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
xs:annotation element  2nd 
xs:any element  2nd  3rd 
xs:anyAttribute element  2nd  3rd 
xs:anyURI element 
xs:appinfo element  2nd 
xs:attribute element  2nd  3rd  4th 
xs:attributeGroup element  2nd  3rd 
xs:base64Binary datatype  2nd 
xs:Boolean datatype  2nd 
xs:byte datatype 
xs:choice element  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
xs:complexContent element  2nd  3rd  4th 
xs:complexType element  2nd  3rd 
xs:date element 
xs:decimal datatype  2nd 
xs:documentation element 
xs:double datatype 
xs:element element  2nd  3rd 
xs:ENTITIES datatype 
xs:ENTITY datatype 
xs:enumeration\t element 
xs:extension element  2nd 
xs:field element 
xs:float datatype 
xs:fractionDigits element  2nd 
xs:gDay datatype 
xs:group element  2nd 
xs:gYear datatype 
xs:gYearMonth datatype 
xs:hexBinary datatype  2nd 
xs:ID datatype 
xs:IDREF datatype 
xs:IDREFS datatype 
xs:import element  2nd 
xs:include element  2nd 
xs:int datatype 
xs:integer datatype 
xs:key element  2nd 
xs:keyref element  2nd 
xs:language datatype 
xs:length element  2nd  3rd 
xs:list element  2nd 
xs:long datatype 
xs:maxExclusive element 
xs:maxInclusive element  2nd 
xs:maxLength element  2nd  3rd 
xs:minExclusive element  2nd 
xs:minInclusive element  2nd 
xs:minLength element  2nd 
xs:month datatype 
xs:Name datatype 
xs:NCName datatype 
xs:NMTOKEN datatype 
xs:NMTOKENS datatype 
xs:nonNegativeInteger datatype 
xs:nonPositiveInteger datatype 
xs:normalizedString datatype 
xs:NOTATION datatype 
xs:notation element  2nd 
xs:pattern element  2nd 
xs:QName datatype 
xs:redefine element  2nd 
xs:restriction element  2nd  3rd  4th 
xs:schema element  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
xs:selector element 
xs:sequence element  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
xs:short datatype 
xs:simpleContent element  2nd  3rd 
xs:simpleType element  2nd 
xs:string element  2nd  3rd 
xs:time datatype 
xs:token element 
xs:totalDigits element  2nd 
xs:union element  2nd 
xs:unique element 
xs:unsignedByte datatype 
xs:unsignedInt datatype 
xs:unsignedLong datatype 
xs:unsignedShort datatype 
xs:whiteSpace element 
XSD (XML Schema document)
    C# attributes 
    namespace and  2nd 
    SOAP envelope 
    validating with XmlSchema 
    XML serialization and 
    XmlSchemaCollection and 
xsd.exe tool  2nd  3rd  4th 
xsd:attribute element 
xsd:sequence element  2nd 
XSDInfer.dll assembly 
XsdInference namespace 
XSDInference.exe tool 
XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) 
xsl prefix  2nd 
XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects)  2nd 
xsl:apply-templates element 
xsl:import element  2nd 
xsl:include element 
xsl:output element  2nd 
xsl:param element 
xsl:stylesheet element  2nd 
xsl:template element  2nd  3rd 
xsl:transform element  2nd 
xsl:value-of element  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)
    scripting with XslTransform 
    stylesheets  2nd 
    System.Xml.Xsl namespace and 
    transformation language 
    transforming data 
    transforming XML documents 
    XML documents 
    XSL and 
XsltArgumentList class (System.Xml.Xsl)
    AddExtensionObject( ) method 
    adding extensions 
    parameters and  2nd 
    specifics  2nd  3rd 
    XSLT parameters and 
    XsltContextFunction and 
XsltCompileException class (System.Xml.Xsl) 
XsltContext class (System.Xml.Xsl)  2nd 
XsltException class (System.Xml.Xsl) 
XslTransform class (System.Xml.Xsl)
    Load( ) method  2nd 
    scripting with 
    transform object and 
    Transform( ) method  2nd 
    XSD documents and 

[ Team LiB ]