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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ไหมทอง " คือ ...

Thai : ไหมทอง (h̄ịmthxng)
Chinese : 锦缎 (jǐnduàn)

English : brocade
     Simplified Chinese : 锦缎
     Traditional Chinese : 錦緞

Example :: brocade

Chinese : 窗上挂着金碧辉煌的缎子窗帘。
English : Gold and green satin brocade drapes hung at the windows.

Chinese : 她又找出那一对田黄图章,发现已换了簇新的锦盒。
English : She got that pair of Tianhuang seal again and noticed that its brocade box had been renewed.

Chinese : 粤绣,其中包括广州,潮州刺绣刺绣,具有与李博科一脉相承。
English : Yue Embroidery, which encompasses Guangzhou Embroidery and Chaozhou Embroidery, has the same origin as Li Brocade.

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