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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แผ่วเบา " คือ ...

Thai : แผ่วเบา (p̄hæ̀w beā)
Chinese : 平缓 (pínghuǎn)

English : gently
     Simplified Chinese : [adv]. 文雅地;柔和地;渐渐地,轻轻地
     Traditional Chinese : [adv]. 文雅地;柔和地;漸漸地,輕輕地

Example :: gently

Chinese : 如果你感觉到不健康时,温和地,不断地开始你的锻炼计划。
English : If you feel too out of shape, begin your exercise program gently and gradually.

Chinese : 我努力在发现它们的地方拍照片,但有时在再次释放一只蜘蛛之前,为了拍一张照片而将轻轻地在叶子里面护送一只蜘蛛。
English : I try to photograph them where I find them, but I will sometimes gently escort one inside for a shoot before releasing it again.

Chinese : 她听后笑了,并伸出了她的手,我轻轻把她从椅子上拉起来。
English : She smiles, and holdsout her hands, and I gently pull her out of her chair.

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