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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เคราะห์ร้าย " คือ ...

Thai : เคราะห์ร้าย (kherāah̄̒ r̂āy)
Chinese : 该死 (gāisǐ)

English : misfortune
     Simplified Chinese : [n].不幸,灾难
     Traditional Chinese : [n].不幸,災難

Example :: misfortune

Chinese : 这次战役给许多人带来了升迁和荣誉,但是带给我的却只是不幸和灾难。
English : The campaign brought honours and promotion to many, but for me it had nothing but misfortune and disaster.

Chinese : 我们不会因为我们现在的不幸,而放弃我们一辈子的幸福的。
English : We not because of our present's misfortune, but will give up our happiness for a lifetime.

Chinese : 要不是因为这一不幸变故,他可能永远都不会迫于无奈地开始流水线式创作小说养家糊口。
English : Were it not for this misfortune, he might never have been forced into the business of grinding out novels to support his family.

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