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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ยิงกราด " คือ ...

Thai : ยิงกราด (ying krād)
Chinese : 扫射 (sǎoshè)

English : rake
     Simplified Chinese : ①螯耙②斜脉

Example :: rake

Chinese : 我不确定通过它来建立互联网的信任有 多难,但是我已经在hoe中添加了代码,在你运行`rake generate_key`(详见`ri Hoe`)以后会自动为gems做签名。
English : I'm not sure how easy it will be to build up the web of trust, but I've added code to hoe that will automatically sign released gems after you run `rake generate_key` (see `ri Hoe` for details).

Chinese : 上帝并不能阻止耙子打击我们,不过,如果我们在治疗受伤的脸时请求帮助,上帝会帮助我们。
English : God doesn't stop the rake from hitting us, but if we ask for help in healing our bruised face, God is there to heal us.

Chinese : 倚在他的草耙上,农夫点了一下头回了招呼,但不发一语。
English : Leaning upon his rake, the Peasant returned the salutation with a nod, but said nothing.

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