[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]

IBindingList interface 
IColumnMapping interface 
IColumnMappingCollection interface 
IDataAdapter interface 
IDataErrorInfo interface 
IDataParameter interface 
IDataParameterCollection interface 
IDataReader interface 
IDataRecord interface 
IDbCommand interface  2nd 
IDbCommand methods (list) 
IDbCommand properties (list) 
IDbConnection interface 
IDbDataAdapter interface 
IDbDataParameter interface 
IDbTransaction interface 
IEditableObject interface 
IList interface 
ImportRow( ) method 
IndexOf( ) method
    for columns 
    for tables 
InferXmlSchema( ) method  2nd 
InfoMessage event 
information schemas 
input parameters 
    stored procedures and 
InRowChangingEventException class 
INSERT statement (SQL) 
InsertAt( ) method, for rows 
InsertCommand objects  2nd 
    DataAdapters and 
InsertCommand property 
inserting records 
    C#/Visual Basic and 
    namespace quick reference and 
InternalDataCollectionBase class 
INullable interface 
InvalidConstraintException class  2nd 
InvalidExpressionException class 
IsColumnNameNull( ) method  2nd 
IsNull( ) method  2nd 
isolation levels 
IsolationLevel enumeration  2nd 
IsolationLevel property 
ITableMapping interface 
ITableMappingCollection interface 
ItemArray collection 
ItemArray property 

[ Team LiB ]