Chapter 9. ASP.NET Security
is an extremely complicated subject, and ASP.NET security is no
exception. This chapter discusses the approaches you can take to
secure your ASP.NET applications. Absent from the discussion are the
topics of network, server, and infrastructure security. This should
not be interpreted to mean these topics are unimportant. On the
contrary, without properly securing any supporting servers and
infrastructure, the measures you take to secure your application with
the tools made available by the .NET Framework will be for naught. A
discussion of these topics, however, is beyond the scope of this
book. The security section of the Microsoft TechNet web site,
referenced at the end of this chapter, contains a wealth of
information on how to secure your servers and network properly,
including tools to assist you in this important task.
The importance of securing your applications cannot be stressed
enough. Failure to devote the time and resources to get security
right can result in data loss, application failure or hijacking, as
well as loss of revenue and/or reputation. And it's
important that security be considered from the very beginning.
Application security added as an afterthought is little better than
no security at all.
Securing access to an application or to the resources belonging to an
application involves two processes: authentication and authorization.
This chapter explains how these processes relate to ASP.NET and how
each fits into the overall scheme of allowing or preventing access to
ASP.NET application resources. The discussion focuses on the three
authentication methods the ASP.NET runtime provides:
Windows, Forms, and
Passport. The chapter also discusses ACL-based
and URL authorization, as well as strategies for obtaining secure
access to data and securing web services. The discussion also touches
briefly on code access
security, which underlies the ASP.NET security