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System.Web.Services.Protocols ( class

This class represents a SOAP request sent by a web service or SOAP response received by a web service. It inherits from the SoapMessage class, which contains most of the functionality for SOAP messages.

public sealed class SoapServerMessage : SoapMessage {
// Public Instance Properties
   public override string Action{get; }             // overrides SoapMessage
   public override LogicalMethodInfo MethodInfo{get; }           // overrides SoapMessage
   public override bool OneWay{get; }               // overrides SoapMessage
   public object Server{get; }
   public override string Url{get; }                // overrides SoapMessage
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void EnsureInStage( );         // overrides SoapMessage
   protected override void EnsureOutStage( );        // overrides SoapMessage


System.Object SoapMessage SoapServerMessage

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