HtmlTextWriterTag | serializable |
System.Web.UI (system.web.dll) | enum |
This enumeration represents different HTML tags for the
HtmlTextWriter class. For example, you can use a
value from this enumeration as a parameter for the
HtmlTextWriter.RenderBeginTag( ) method to specify
what tag should be written to the output stream.
public enum HtmlTextWriterTag {
Unknown = 0,
A = 1,
Acronym = 2,
Address = 3,
Area = 4,
B = 5,
Base = 6,
Basefont = 7,
Bdo = 8,
Bgsound = 9,
Big = 10,
Blockquote = 11,
Body = 12,
Br = 13,
Button = 14,
Caption = 15,
Center = 16,
Cite = 17,
Code = 18,
Col = 19,
Colgroup = 20,
Dd = 21,
Del = 22,
Dfn = 23,
Dir = 24,
Div = 25,
Dl = 26,
Dt = 27,
Em = 28,
Embed = 29,
Fieldset = 30,
Font = 31,
Form = 32,
Frame = 33,
Frameset = 34,
H1 = 35,
H2 = 36,
H3 = 37,
H4 = 38,
H5 = 39,
H6 = 40,
Head = 41,
Hr = 42,
Html = 43,
I = 44,
Iframe = 45,
Img = 46,
Input = 47,
Ins = 48,
Isindex = 49,
Kbd = 50,
Label = 51,
Legend = 52,
Li = 53,
Link = 54,
Map = 55,
Marquee = 56,
Menu = 57,
Meta = 58,
Nobr = 59,
Noframes = 60,
Noscript = 61,
Object = 62,
Ol = 63,
Option = 64,
P = 65,
Param = 66,
Pre = 67,
Q = 68,
Rt = 69,
Ruby = 70,
S = 71,
Samp = 72,
Script = 73,
Select = 74,
Small = 75,
Span = 76,
Strike = 77,
Strong = 78,
Style = 79,
Sub = 80,
Sup = 81,
Table = 82,
Tbody = 83,
Td = 84,
Textarea = 85,
Tfoot = 86,
Th = 87,
Thead = 88,
Title = 89,
Tr = 90,
Tt = 91,
U = 92,
Ul = 93,
Var = 94,
Wbr = 95,
Xml = 96
Returned By
HtmlTextWriter.{GetTagKey( ),
Passed To
HtmlTextWriter.{GetTagName( ),
OnTagRender( ), RegisterTag( ),
RenderBeginTag( ), TagKey},
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.WebControl( )