The ControlPager is used by a
Form to paginate its contained controls according
to the screen dimensions of the client device, provided
Form.Paginate is set to True.
During the pagination process, the ControlPager is
submitted to the PagedControl.PaginateRecursive( )
method of the Form. The
ControlPager provides the desired
"weight" for the page
(PageWeight) and the remaining space on the page
(RemainingWeight). As a rule of thumb, each
display line corresponds to 100 units.
public class ControlPager {
// Public Constructors
public ControlPager(Form form, int pageWeight);
// Public Static Fields
public static readonly int DefaultWeight; // =100
public static readonly int UseDefaultWeight; // =-1
// Public Instance Properties
public int PageCount{set; get; }
public int PageWeight{get; }
public int RemainingWeight{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public ItemPager GetItemPager(MobileControl control, int itemCount, int itemsPerPage, int itemWeight);
public int GetPage(int weight);