Recipe 1.1 Using Mathematical Operators
1.1.1 Problem
You want to modify something over time, such as the
rotation or position of a movie clip.
1.1.2 Solution
Use the compound assignment operators
to change a variable or property in
increments. Or, if incrementing or decrementing by one, use the
prefix or postfix increment or decrement operators.
1.1.3 Discussion
Often, you'll want the new value of a variable or
property to depend on the previous value. For example, you might want
to move a movie clip to a new position that is 10 pixels to the right
of its current position.
In an assignment statement—any
statement using the assignment
operator (an equals sign)—the expression to the right of the
equals sign is evaluated and the result is stored in the variable or
property on the left side. Therefore, you can modify the value of a
variable in an expression on the right side of the equation and
assign that new value to the very same variable on the left side of
the equation.
Although the following may look strange to those who remember basic
algebra, it is very common for a variable to be set equal to itself
plus a number:
// Add 6 to the current value of myNum and assign that new value back to myNum. For
// example, if myNum was 3, this statement sets it to 9.
myNum = myNum + 6;
However, when performing mathematical operations, it is often more
convenient to use one of the compound assignment
operators, which combine a mathematical operator with the
assignment operator. The +=,
-=, *=, and
/= operators are the most prevalent compound
assignment operators. When you use one of these compound assignment
operators, the value on the right side of the assignment operator is
added to, subtracted from, multiplied by, or divided into the value
of the variable on the left, and the new value is assigned to the
same variable. The following are a few examples of equivalent
These statements both add 6 to the existing value of
myNum = myNum + 6;
myNum += 6;
These statements both subtract 6 from the existing value of
myNum = myNum - 6;
myNum -= 6;
These statements both multiply myNum by
myNum = myNum * anotherNum;
myNum *= anotherNum;
These statements both divide myNum by
myNum = myNum / anotherNum;
myNum /= anotherNum;
There should be no space between the two symbols that make up a
compound assignment operator.
Additionally, if you are incrementing or decrementing a variable by
1, you can use the increment or decrement operators
(-- and ++).
This statement adds 1 to myNum:
and has the same effect as either of these statements:
myNum = myNum + 1;
myNum += 1;
This statement subtracts 1 from myNum:
and has the same effect as either of these statements:
myNum = myNum - 1;
myNum -= 1;
You can use the increment and decrement operators before or after the
variable or property on which they
. If used before the operand, they are
called prefix operators. If used after the
operand, they are called postfix operators. The
prefix and postfix operators modify the operand in the same way but
at different times. In some circumstances, there is no net difference
in their operation, but the distinction is still important in many
cases. When using prefix operators, the value is modified before the
remainder of the statement or expression is evaluated. And if using
postfix operators, the value is modified after the remainder of the
statement has executed. Note how the first example increments
myNum after displaying its value, whereas the
second example increments myNum before displaying
its value:
myNum = 5;
trace(myNum++); // Displays: 5
trace(myNum); // Displays: 6
myNum = 5;
trace(++myNum); // Displays: 6
trace(myNum); // Displays: 6
Getting back to our original problem, you can use mathematical
operators to modify a property over time. This example causes the
specified movie clip to rotate by 5 degrees for each
tick of the frame rate:
myClip_mc.onEnterFrame = function ( ) {
this._rotation += 5;