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        ADSI objects, information provided 
    properties from WinNT and LDAP namespaces 
    Property Cache and 
IADs\:\:Get method  2nd 
IADs\:\:GetEx method 
IADs\:\:GetEx property method 
IADs\:\:GetInfo method 
IADs\:\:GUID property method 
IADs\:\:Name method 
IADs\:\:Name property method  2nd 
IADs\:\:Parent property method 
IADs\:\:PutEx method 
IADs\:\:Schema property method 
IADs\:\:SetInfo command 
IADs\:\:SetInfo method  2nd  3rd 
IADsClass interface 
IADsCollection interface
    Add and Remove methods 
IADsContainer interface 
IADsContainer\:\:GetObject method 
IADsFileServiceOperations interface, methods 
IADsFileShare interface 
IADsMembers Interface 
IADsOpenDSObject\:\:OpenDSObject method 
IADsPrintJob interface 
IADsPrintJobOperations interface  2nd 
IADsPropertyEntry interface 
IADsPropertyList interface
    accessing properties in property list 
IADsPropertyValue interface 
IADsSecurityDescriptorinterface  2nd 
IADsUser interface 
    methods for Windows NT and Windows 2000 
IADsUser website 
IANA  2nd 
icons, ADUC tool 
IDsAdminWizExt interface 
indexing objects 
InetOrgPerson class for users 
Infrastructure Master (Infrastructure Daemon) 
        AceFlags property 
        user passwords 
    Auxiliary, Structural and Abstract classes 
    GPC data in Active Directory 
        Organizational Units 
    Must-Contain, May-Contain, Poss-Superiors, and Auxiliary-Class, effects on 
    object attributes, checking for 
        importance of allowing  2nd 
Inherited From field, addition in Windows Server 2003 
InheritedObjectType property 
    applications and services 
    Kerberos and LDAP support 
    NFS Server 
    SunÕs Network Information System (NIS) 
    synchronizing passwords 
Inter-Site Mechanism Simple Mail Transport Protocol (ISM-SMTP)  2nd 
    ADSI standard 
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority  [See IANA]
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 
Internet Explorer (IE) 
    settings  2nd 
Internet Information Server (IIS) web server 
Internet protocols, assigning unique parameter values 
Intersite Topology Generator (ISTG) 
intrasite replication, planning 
IP (Internet Protocol)
    security policies on Active Directory 
irreconcilable operations 
Is-Member-Of-Partial-Attribute-Set, checking for 
ISO-ITU (International Organization for Standardization-International Telecommunications Union), X. 
isolated replication, effects on domain design 

[ Team LiB ]