[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

paragraph (string element) 
    in dictionary contents 
        implicit locals 
        no parameters 
        pass by reference 
    handlers as 
    references as 
    run handler 
    script objects as 
parent chain, implicit 
parent property  2nd 
passing by reference  2nd 
    list as parameter to a handler 
    reference to operator and 
    script object as handler parameter 
passing by value 
path to command 
    coercions  2nd 
    POSIX  2nd 
performance, scripting additions and 
Perl  2nd 
    accessing AppleScript from Unix 
    calling Unix shell from AppleScript 
    capabilities of 
    programming languages and 
    resources for further reading 
    Script Menu 
    string data, expressing 
    strings, escaping for osascript 
    top-level script object entities 
        store script and 
    of variables 
pi property 
pipe characters , under Symbols)  [See | (vertical bars]
plural forms of class names 
point class 
    continue command 
    implicit parent chain 
    my keyword and 
positional parameters 
POSIX path property 
POSIX pathnames 
    coercions of 
    obtaining for files 
precedence, arithmetic operators 
prepositional parameters 
    in dictionaries 
pretty-printed compiled scripts 
programming languages
    scripting languages vs. 
programs, scripts as 
prop (property) 
properties  [See also script properties]2nd 
    contents, conflict with contents of operator 
        listing of 
    definition of 
    in dictionary contents 
        object model 
    free variables as 
        version (of AppleScript) 
    of multiple references 
    name (for elements) 
    object vs. script properties 
    persistence of 
    resolution difficulties with names of 
    script property 
    terms resolved to 
Property List Editor 
pseudo-classes, listings in dictionaries 
punctuation (string consideration) 
put command 

[ Team LiB ]