[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y]

" (quotation marks)
    delimiting literal strings 
    empty strings, signifying 
    escaping for AppleScript in FileMaker Pro 
    escaping in strings 
    inside comment delimiters 
    strings formatted for osascript 
    strings, AppleScript in VBA 
(inequality) operator  2nd 
(less than or equal to) operator 
(greater than or equal to) operator 
& (ampersand), concatenation operator  2nd 
> (greater than) operator 
< (less than) operator 
'aete' resource (Apple Event Terminology Extension) 
'aeut' resource  2nd 
        AppleScript Suite 
        Macintosh Connectivity Classes 
        QuickDraw Graphics Suite 
        QuickDraw Graphics Supplemental Suite 
        Required (Standard) Suite 
        Text Suite 
        Type Names Suite 
's (apostrophe-ess) operator  2nd  [See also of operator]3rd  4th  5th 
( ) (parentheses)
    determining order of operations 
    in comment delimiters 
* (asterisk)
    comment delimiters (* *)  2nd 
    multiplication operator (*) 
    wildcard value type ('****') 
+ (plus sign), addition operator 
, (comma), separating items in lists 
- (hyphens)
    in single-line comments 
    string consideration 
- (minus sign), subtraction and unary negation operator 
.scriptSuite and .scriptTerminology file formats 
.sdef files 
/ (division) operator 
: (colon)
    in named parameters 
    in records 
= (equals sign)
    equality operator  2nd 
\ (backslash)
    entering in a literal string 
    escaping variable names enclosed in pipes 
\n (newline character)
    escaping in strings 
    Unix line breaks 
\r (return) character  2nd 
\r\n (Windows line break) 
\t (tab character) 
^ (exponentiation) operator 
` (backtick) operator 
{ } (curly braces)
    delimiting lists 
    empty lists 
    enclosing lists 
| (vertical bars)
    inside comment delimiters 
    interpretation as dictionary term, suppressing 
    resolving names in script vs. target object 
    variable names, surrounding with 
« » (guillemets) 
«» (guillemets) 
¬ (continuation character) 

[ Team LiB ]