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7.1 Iterating Over Collections

In computing, there are many different kinds of collections ranging from simple data structures, such as arrays or linked lists, to more complex ones, such as red/black trees and priority queues. While the internal implementation and external characteristics of these data structures vary widely, the ability to traverse the contents of the collection is an almost universal need. In the FCL, this is supported via a pair of interfaces (IEnumerable and IEnumerator) that allow different data structures to expose a common traversal API.

7.1.1 IEnumerable and IEnumerator Interfaces

To expose an enumerator, a collection implements IEnumerable. This interface allows clients to retrieve an enumerator, typed as an IEnumerator interface reference. The enumerator is a logical cursor that can be used to iterate over the elements of the collection in a forward-only manner. The interfaces look like this:

public interface IEnumerable {
  IEnumerator GetEnumerator( );
public interface IEnumerator {
   bool MoveNext( );
   object Current {get;}
   void Reset( );

The IEnumerable interface has a single GetEnumerator( ) method that returns an IEnumerator interface reference, with the enumerator positioned before the first element in the collection. The IEnumerator interface provides standard mechanisms (the MoveNext( ) and Reset( ) methods) to iterate over the collection and to retrieve the current element (the Current property) as a generic object reference.

The collection can then be enumerated as follows, or as in the next code example:

MyCollection mcoll = new MyCollection( );
// Using IEnumerator: substitute your typename for XXX
IEnumerator ie = myc.GetEnumerator( );
while (myc.MoveNext( )) {
  XXX item = (XXX)myc.Current;

C# also provides the foreach statement, which works on any collection that either implements the IEnumerable interface, or provides an accessible GetEnumerator( ) method that returns a type with accessible MoveNext( ) and Reset( ) methods. Using foreach can simplify iteration code, as follows:

MyCollection mcoll = new MyCollection
// Using foreach: substitute your typename for XXX
foreach (XXX item in mcoll) {

7.1.2 Implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator

To allow your data types to be enumerated via the standard mechanisms, implement IEnumerable and IEnumerator, taking care to follow the interface's semantic contract. IEnumerator is often implemented as a nested helper type, which is initialized by passing the collection to the constructor of the IEnumerator:

using System.Collections;
public class MyCollection : IEnumerable {
  // ...
  int[ ] data;
  public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator ( ) {
    return new MyCollection.Enumerator(this);
  private class Enumerator : IEnumerator { 
    MyCollection outer;
    int currentIndex = -1;
    internal Enumerator(MyCollection outer) {
      this.outer = outer;
    public object Current {
      get {
        if (currentIndex =  =
          throw new InvalidOperationException( );
        return[currentIndex]; // boxed!
    public bool MoveNext( ) {
      if (currentIndex >
        throw new InvalidOperationException( );
      return ++currentIndex <;
    public void Reset( ) {
      currentIndex = -1;

7.1.3 Optimizing foreach

One of the downsides of implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator, as shown in the previous example, is the return type of IEnumerator.Current is object. This approach has two main disadvantages:

  1. Clients need to cast the object reference to a more specific type, which is both inefficient compared to a more strongly typed interface for homogenous collections, and may also cause TypeCastExceptions to be thrown if the casts fail.

  2. When a collection contains value types, returning them as object references results in their being boxed and unboxed, which is inefficient, creates excess garbage on the heap, and makes it impossible to edit the contents of the collection directly.

Fortunately, there are some ways to resolve these issues. Although the foreach statement is designed to work with types that implement IEnumerable and IEnumerator, the C# compiler actually allows foreach iteration over types that merely provide a type-compatible subset of the methods and semantics in IEnumerable and IEnumerator. It does this by looking first at the type used for the collection in the foreach statement to see if it has an accessible method called GetEnumerator( ) that takes no parameters, and then returns a publicly accessible type. If it does, it then looks at the return type to see if it has loosely equivalent functionality to the IEnumerator interface. To do this, the compiler checks whether the type has an accessible MoveNext method (taking no parameters and returning a bool result) and an accessible Current property (matching the type of the individual element in the foreach statement). If all of these requirements are met, the C# compiler emits IL code to use these types and methods directly, without going through the interfaces. This means that client code does not need to downcast from object, and in the case of collections returning value types, no boxing occurs. Modifying the previous example to work this way looks like the following:

using System.Collections;
public class MyCollection {
  // ...
  int[ ] data;
  public Enumerator GetEnumerator ( ) {
    return new MyCollection.Enumerator(this);
  public class Enumerator  { 
    MyCollection outer;
    int currentIndex = -1;
    internal Enumerator(MyCollection outer) {
      this.outer = outer;
    public int Current {
      get {
        if (currentIndex =  =
          throw new InvalidOperationException( );
        return[currentIndex]; // no boxing!
    public bool MoveNext( ) {
      if (currentIndex >
        throw new InvalidOperationException( );
      return ++currentIndex <;

The problem with this approach is that when used in languages other than C#, this type does not appear to be a collection since it does not implement the standard interfaces. Fortunately, explicit interface implementation can be used to support both approaches concurrently, as follows:

using System.Collections;
public class MyCollection : IEnumerable  {
  // ...
  int[ ] data;
  public Enumerator GetEnumerator( ) {
    return new MyCollection.Enumerator(this);
  IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator( ) {
    return this.GetEnumerator;
  public class Enumerator : IEnumerator { 
    MyCollection outer;
    int currentIndex = -1;
    internal Enumerator(MyCollection outer) {
      this.outer = outer;
    public int Current {
      get {
        if (currentIndex =  =
          throw new InvalidOperationException( );
    public bool MoveNext( ) {
      if (currentIndex >
        throw new InvalidOperationException( );
      return ++currentIndex <;
    object IEnumerator.Current {
        get { return this.Current; }
    bool IEnumerator.MoveNext( ) {
      return this.MoveNext( );
    void IEnumerator.Reset( ) {
      currentIndex = -1;

This approach allows C# clients to bind to the more efficient, type-safe version of the methods, while other languages such as VB.NET bind to the more generic interface-based implementations.

7.1.4 IDictionaryEnumerator Interface

Later in this chapter we discuss the use of dictionary data structures. The IDictionaryEnumerator interface is a standardized interface used to enumerate over the contents of a dictionary, in which each element has both a key and a value. The Entry property is a more type-safe version of the Current property, and the Key and Value properties provide access to the element keys and values directly. The interface looks like this:

public interface IDictionaryEnumerator : IEnumerator {
   DictionaryEntry Entry {get;}
   object Key {get;}
   object Value {get;}
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