NSColorPanel |
Mac OS X 10.0 |
This class implements the system-wide color picker used by all
applications. To obtain the shared color panel, use the class method
sharedColorPanel. NSColorPanel
is a subclass of NSPanel, so to display the color
panel on screen, invoke
orderFront: method.
NSColorPanel takes a target and an action that are
used to notify the application of the user changing the color
selection in the color panel. To obtain the color, use the method
The color panel optionally displays a slider to change the alpha
value of the selected color. This behavior is set with the method
setShowsAlpha:. To determine if the color panel is
set to use alpha, invoke showsAlpha. It is also
possible for an application to add a color list—which is an
instance of NSColorList—to the color panel.
Color lists are managed using the methods
attachColorList: and
The Application Kit provides the class NSColorWell
as an interface to Cocoa's color-picking system. It
is generally sufficient to use NSColorWell as an
interface for users to select colors in an application, as it both
displays the color associated with it, and provides a means to open
the color panel so the user can choose a new color.
@interface NSColorPanel : NSPanel
// Accessor Methods |
- (void)setAction:(SEL)aSelector;
- (void)setColor:(NSColor *)color;
- (NSColor *)color;
- (void)setAccessoryView:(NSView *)aView;
- (NSView *)accessoryView;
- (void)setMode:(int)mode;
- (int)mode;
- (void)setTarget:(id)anObject;
- (void)setContinuous:(BOOL)flag;
- (void)setShowsAlpha:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)showsAlpha;
// Class Methods |
+ (BOOL)dragColor:(NSColor *)color withEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent fromView:(NSView *)sourceView;
+ (void)setPickerMask:(int)mask;
+ (void)setPickerMode:(int)mode;
+ (NSColorPanel *)sharedColorPanel;
+ (BOOL)sharedColorPanelExists;
// Instance Methods |
- (float)alpha;
- (void)attachColorList:(NSColorList *)colorList;
- (void)detachColorList:(NSColorList *)colorList;
- (BOOL)isContinuous;
// Notifications |