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NSSliderCell Mac OS X 10.0

This is the NSCell subclass for the NSSlider control class, which is an interface element that allows the user to select a value from a range of values by sliding a knob along a track.


@interface NSSliderCell : NSActionCell
 // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setTitleColor:(NSColor *)newColor;
   - (NSColor *)titleColor;
   - (void)setMinValue:(double)aDouble;
   - (double)minValue;
   - (void)setMaxValue:(double)aDouble;
   - (double)maxValue;
   - (void)setAltIncrementValue:(double)incValue;
   - (double)altIncrementValue;
   - (void)setNumberOfTickMarks:(int)count;
   - (int)numberOfTickMarks;
   - (void)setTickMarkPosition:(NSTickMarkPosition)position;
   - (NSTickMarkPosition)tickMarkPosition;
   - (void)setKnobThickness:(float)aFloat;
   - (float)knobThickness;
   - (void)setTitleFont:(NSFont *)fontObj;
   - (NSFont *)titleFont;
   - (void)setAllowsTickMarkValuesOnly:(BOOL)yorn;
   - (BOOL)allowsTickMarkValuesOnly;
   - (void)setTitle:(NSString *)aString;
   - (NSString *)title;
   - (void)setTitleCell:(NSCell *)aCell;
   - (id)titleCell;
 // Class Methods
   + (BOOL)prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp;
 // Instance Methods
   - (double)closestTickMarkValueToValue:(double)value;
   - (void)drawBarInside:(NSRect)aRect flipped:(BOOL)flipped;
   - (void)drawKnob;
   - (void)drawKnob:(NSRect)knobRect;
   - (int)indexOfTickMarkAtPoint:(NSPoint)point;
   - (int)isVertical;
   - (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped;
   - (NSRect)rectOfTickMarkAtIndex:(int)index;
   - (double)tickMarkValueAtIndex:(int)index;
   - (NSRect)trackRect;

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