What's New in the Fourth Edition?
Besides updating the book to cover the most recent versions of BIND,
we've added a fair amount of new material to the fourth
More extensive coverage of dynamic update and NOTIFY, including
signed dynamic updates and BIND 9's new update-policy
mechanism, in Chapter 10
Incremental zone transfer, also in Chapter 10
Forward zones, which support conditional forwarding, in Chapter 10
IPv6 forward and reverse mapping using the new A6 and DNAME records,
as well as bitstring labels, at the end of Chapter 10
Transaction signatures, also known as TSIG, a new mechanism for
authenticating transactions, in Chapter 11
An expanded section on securing name servers, in Chapter 11
An expanded section on dealing with Internet firewalls, in Chapter 11
Coverage of the DNS Security Extensions, or DNSSEC, a new mechanism
for digitally signing zone data, also in Chapter 11
A section on accommodating Windows 2000 clients, servers, and Domain
Controllers with BIND, in Chapter 16