[ Team LiB ]

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    bottlenecks and 
    presentation tier 
scalable system 
sequence diagrams 
Sequenced Messages pattern 
serialized entity example 
Serialized Entity pattern  2nd 
Server Side Business Logic tier 
Server Side Domain Model 
Server Side Presentation tier  2nd  3rd 
Service Adapter pattern  2nd 
    EJBs and 
Service Locator pattern  2nd  3rd 
service locators
Service to Worker pattern  2nd  3rd 
    front controller 
    models and views 
ServiceLocator object 
session façade
    business delegates and 
    web services 
Session Façade pattern  2nd 
Session scope 
SOAP-based web service 
software design pattern 
software development process 
specialized component 
stateful beans
    turning to stateless 
    versus stateless 
Stateful When Stateless Will Do, antipattern 
stateless beans versus stateful 
stored procedures 
Stored Procedures for Primary Keys pattern  2nd  3rd 
Strategy pattern 
Sun's J2EE sample applications 
synchronous communication model 
system transactions  2nd 

[ Team LiB ]