CSSValue |
the value of a CSS style
attribute |
DOM Level 2 CSS
CSSPrimitiveValue, CSSValueList
The following constants specify the valid values for the
cssValueType property:
- unsigned short CSS_INHERIT = 0
This constant represents the special value "inherit",
which means that the actual value of the CSS style attribute is
inherited. The cssText property is
"inherit" in this case.
- unsigned short CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE = 1
The value is a primitive value. This CSSValue object also implements
the more specific CSSPrimitiveValue subinterface.
- unsigned short CSS_VALUE_LIST = 2
The value is a compound value consisting of a list of values. This
CSSValue object also implements the more specific CSSValueList
subinterface and behaves as an array of CSSValue objects.
- unsigned short CSS_CUSTOM = 3
This constant is defined to allow extensions to the CSS object model.
It specifies that this CSSValue represents a value of some type that
is not defined by the CSS or DOM standards. If you are working with
an implementation that supports such extensions, the CSSValue object
may also implement some other interface (such as the SVGColor
interface defined by the Scalable Vector Graphics standard) that you
can use.
- String cssText
The textual
representation of the value. Setting this property may throw a
DOMException. A code of
SYNTAX_ERR indicates that the new value does not
follow legal CSS syntax. A code of
INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR specifies that you tried
to set a value of a different type than the original value. A
code of
value is read-only.
- readonly unsigned short cssValueType
kind of value this object represents. The four legal values of this
property are defined by the previously listed constants.
This interface represents the value of a CSS attribute. The
cssText property gives the value in textual form.
If the cssValueType property is
CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE, this CSSValue object
also implements the more specific CSSPrimitiveValue interface. If
cssValueType is
CSSValue.CSS_VALUE_LIST, this CSSValue represents
a list of values and also implements the CSSValueList interface.
See Also
CSSPrimitiveValue, CSSValueList
Returned by
CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue( ), CSSValueList.item( )