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13.3 Shockwave/Flash

You can also create full-featured SWF-format Flash movies with the Ming extension. Example 13-3 produces a movie with a blue circle in it that you can drag around.

Example 13-3. Generating a Flash movie
// Use SWF Version 6 to enable Actionscript

// Create a new movie and set some parameters
$movie = new SWFMovie( );
$movie->setDimension(550, 400);

// Create the circle
$circle = new SWFShape( );
$sprite= new SWFSprite( );
$sprite->nextFrame( );

// Add the circle to the movie
$displayitem = $movie->add($sprite);

// Add the Actionscript that implements the dragging
$movie->add(new SWFAction("
 circle.onPress=function( ){ this.startDrag('');};
 circle.onRelease= circle.onReleaseOutside=function( ){ stopDrag( );};

// Display the movie
header("Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash");

Save Example 13-3 as ming.php and then reference it from another page as in Example 13-4.

Example 13-4. Including the Flash movie in a web page
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="300">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="ming.php">
 <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE="#ffffff"> 
 <EMBED src="ming.php" bgcolor="#ffffff" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="300"
 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="

Read about the Ming functions in the PHP Manual at The Ming extension depends on the external Ming library, which you can download from The site at also contains lots of documentation and examples of how to use Ming from PHP. (Example 13-3 is adapted from one of the examples on that site.)

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