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System.Drawing.Imaging (system.drawing.dll)enum

This enumeration is used to specify whether an enhanced metafile should support the pre-GDI+ EMF format only (EmfOnly), both pre-GDI+ and new GDI+ renderers (EmfPlusDual), or GDI+ renderers only (EmfPlusOnly). This issue comes about because GDI+ extends the EMF format with some new record types of its own.

It is used in several of the Metafile constructors.

public enum EmfType {
   EmfOnly = 3,
   EmfPlusOnly = 4,
   EmfPlusDual = 5


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) EmfType

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