This (enormous) enumeration is a part of the accessibility framework,
that allows you to support users who need assistance with particular
aspects of the UI, perhaps as the result of a disability. Microsoft
also recommends the use of these APIs for automated testing. The
elements of this enumeration list more or less anything and
everything that could possibly happen to a control, from properties
changing to creation and destruction.
The enumeration is used by the AccessibleObject to
notify accessibility clients that things are occurring of which they
should take note (perhaps updating their own UI or controlling an
external device such as a Braille reader). See
AccessibleObject for a discussion of the
accessibility framework.
public enum AccessibleEvents {
SystemSound = 1,
SystemAlert = 2,
SystemForeground = 3,
SystemMenuStart = 4,
SystemMenuEnd = 5,
SystemMenuPopupStart = 6,
SystemMenuPopupEnd = 7,
SystemCaptureStart = 8,
SystemCaptureEnd = 9,
SystemMoveSizeStart = 10,
SystemMoveSizeEnd = 11,
SystemContextHelpStart = 12,
SystemContextHelpEnd = 13,
SystemDragDropStart = 14,
SystemDragDropEnd = 15,
SystemDialogStart = 16,
SystemDialogEnd = 17,
SystemScrollingStart = 18,
SystemScrollingEnd = 19,
SystemSwitchStart = 20,
SystemSwitchEnd = 21,
SystemMinimizeStart = 22,
SystemMinimizeEnd = 23,
Create = 32768,
Destroy = 32769,
Show = 32770,
Hide = 32771,
Reorder = 32772,
Focus = 32773,
Selection = 32774,
SelectionAdd = 32775,
SelectionRemove = 32776,
SelectionWithin = 32777,
StateChange = 32778,
LocationChange = 32779,
NameChange = 32780,
DescriptionChange = 32781,
ValueChange = 32782,
ParentChange = 32783,
HelpChange = 32784,
DefaultActionChange = 32785,
AcceleratorChange = 32786