A LinkLabel class by default contains only one
hyperlink attached to the entire text in the control. However, it is
actually capable of supporting several links within the text.
A LinkArea value defines the index into the text
string at which the hyperlink will Start, and the
Length of the link. You can also determine whether
the link is Empty.
If you only want one link, but one that does not encompass the entire
text, you can assign to the LinkLabel.LinkArea. To
add multiple areas, you need to use the
LinkLabel.Links property.
public struct LinkArea {
// Public Constructors
public LinkArea(int start, int length);
// Public Instance Properties
public bool IsEmpty{get; }
public int Length{set; get; }
public int Start{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override bool Equals(object o); // overrides ValueType
public override int GetHashCode(); // overrides ValueType