XmlNode | System.Xml (system.xml.dll) CF 1.0 abstract class |
public abstract class XmlNode : ICloneable, IEnumerable, System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable {
// Public Instance Properties
public virtual XmlAttributeCollection Attributes{get; }
public virtual string BaseURI{get; }
public virtual XmlNodeList ChildNodes{get; }
public virtual XmlNode FirstChild{get; }
public virtual bool HasChildNodes{get; }
public virtual string InnerText{set; get; }
public virtual string InnerXml{set; get; }
public virtual bool IsReadOnly{get; }
public virtual XmlNode LastChild{get; }
public abstract string LocalName{get; }
public abstract string Name{get; }
public virtual string NamespaceURI{get; }
public virtual XmlNode NextSibling{get; }
public abstract XmlNodeType NodeType{get; }
public virtual string OuterXml{get; }
public virtual XmlDocument OwnerDocument{get; }
public virtual XmlNode ParentNode{get; }
public virtual string Prefix{set; get; }
public virtual XmlNode PreviousSibling{get; }
public virtual XmlElement this[ string name ]{get; }
public virtual XmlElement this[ string localname, string ns ]{get; }
public virtual string Value{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual XmlNode AppendChild( XmlNode newChild);
public virtual XmlNode Clone( );
public abstract XmlNode CloneNode( bool deep);
public XPathNavigator CreateNavigator( ); // implements System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator( ); // implements IEnumerable
public virtual string GetNamespaceOfPrefix( string prefix);
public virtual string GetPrefixOfNamespace( string namespaceURI);
public virtual XmlNode InsertAfter( XmlNode newChild, XmlNode refChild);
public virtual XmlNode InsertBefore( XmlNode newChild, XmlNode refChild);
public virtual void Normalize( );
public virtual XmlNode PrependChild( XmlNode newChild);
public virtual void RemoveAll( );
public virtual XmlNode RemoveChild( XmlNode oldChild);
public virtual XmlNode ReplaceChild( XmlNode newChild, XmlNode oldChild);
public XmlNodeList SelectNodes( string xpath);
public XmlNodeList SelectNodes( string xpath, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr);
public XmlNode SelectSingleNode( string xpath);
public XmlNode SelectSingleNode( string xpath, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr);
public virtual bool Supports( string feature, string version);
public abstract void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w);
public abstract void WriteTo( XmlWriter w);
} | |
This abstract class represents a node in a
document. A node is the basic object described by the DOM for XML. A
node can be an element, an element's attributes, the
DOCTYPE declaration, a comment, or the entire
document itself. Nodes are ordered in a hierarchical tree in which
child, parent, and sibling relationships are
"known" by each node. The XmlNode class is the parent object of the
specific node type classes. The properties of this class expose the
intrinsic values of the node: NamespaceURI,
NodeType, parent, child, sibling nodes, etc. The
methods allow a node to add to or removed from a node tree (in the
context of an XmlDocument or
XmlDocumentFragment), with respect to a reference
XmlAttribute, XmlDocument,
XmlDocumentFragment, XmlEntity,
XmlLinkedNode, XmlNotation
Returned By
Multiple types
Passed To
XmlDataDocument.CreateNavigator( ),
XmlDocument.ImportNode( ),
XmlNamedNodeMap.SetNamedItem( ),
XmlNodeReader.XmlNodeReader( )