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เพลง: Sad Movies-Sue Thompsonท

Sad movies
Always make me cry

He said he had to work
So I went to the show alone
They turned down the lights
And turned the projector on
And just as the news
Of the world started to begin
I saw my darling
and my best friend
Walking in

Though I was sitting
there they didn't see
And so they sat right down
in front of me
And when he kissed her lips
I almost die
And in the
middle of the color cartoon
I started to cry

Oh sad movies
always make me cry
Oh sad movies
always make me cry

So I got up and
slowly walked on home
And mama saw the tears
and said "what's wrong?"
And so to keep
from telling her a lie
I just said sadmovies
make me cry

Oh sad movies
always make me cry
Oh sad movies
always make me cry

sad movies
always make me cry
sad movies
always make me cry...[start]../song/9/9291.MID[stop]

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