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How to read and speak thai
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prefix, noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] ammonium
Thai Language
aaemM mo:hM niiam
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  " แอมโลดิพีน เบซีเลต "
phrase, formal, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword, "amlodipine besylate"—นอร์แวสค์ (Norvasc)]

" แอรอน "
proper noun, loanword, English
Aaron [an English given name]

" แอลกอฮอล์ "
noun, formal, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] alcohol; [chemistry] alcohol, a hydroxylated hydrocarbon such as ethyl alcohol (grain alcohol, ethanol, "EtOH", CH3CH2OH), methyl alcohol (wood alcohol, methanol, "MeOH", CH3OH), isopropyl alcohol (CH3CHOHCH3), ethylene glycol (CH2OHCH2OH), etc.
noun, formal, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] alcohol; whiskey, gin, vodka, or any other intoxicating liquor containing alcohol

" แอลลิสัน "
proper noun, loanword, English
Allison [an English given name]

" โอ "
[Thai pronunciation of the English letter,] 'O'
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] "O," an abbreviation for; OT; overtime
[pronunciation of the Thai vowel, โ ]
a dipper-shaped cup
pomelo citrus maxima
loanword, Japanese
[ปลาโอ] [Thai transcription of foreign loan word] Oh; tuna

" โอกาสหน้า "
maybe later (next opportunity)

" โอ๊ต "
noun, adjective, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] oat

" โอบกอด "
to embrace; hug

" โอมเพี่ยง! "
interjection, phrase, colloquial
Oam...presto! (May it be as I wish now!)

" โอเลี้ยงยกล้อ "
Thai iced coffee with fresh milk poured on top

" ไอคิว "
noun, loanword, English
intelligence quotient; IQ

" ไอ้จ้อน "
noun, colloquial, vulgar
[vulgar derogatory for] penis

" ไอเท๊ม "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] item (as in fashion item0

" ไอศุริย "
monarchy, kingship, supreme throne

" ฮอนดูรัส "
proper noun, geographical
[ประเทศฮอนดูรัส] Honduras, a country in Central America

" ฮัลเล "
proper noun, loanword, English
Halle [an English given name]

" ฮาวานา "
proper noun, geographical
Havana, the capital city of ประเทศคิวบา (Cuba)

" ฮึก "
[usually followed by เหิม  (bold, insolent)] impetuous; bold; daring; spirited; elated; passionate; violent; exultant; boisterous

" เฮ็ดจ์ฟันด์ "
noun, loanword, English
[finance] [Thai transcription of the foreign loanword, "hedge fund"]

" แฮ้งค์ "
noun, colloquial, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] hangover

" ไฮโซบัตโลว์คลาส "
adjective, phrase, colloquial, sarcastic-humorous, loanword, English
high-society but low-class" — [Thai slang for] a socialite who is crude, vulgar, indecent, inelegant and unsophisticated [usually gay male jargon]

" "
a.) — [indicating the first item in a list]; Mr. A.
[The first letter of the Thai alphabet]

" กกุธ "
[alternate spelling of กกุท]

" กฎหมายอาญา "
criminal law; penal law

" ก้นกรอง "
[of a cigarette] filter tipped

" กปส. "
proper noun, abbreviation
[abbreviation for กรมประชาสัมพันธ์] PRD

" กรดอะมิโน "
amino acid

" กรมสารนิเทศ "
noun, proper noun
Department of Information (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

" กรอก "
verb, transitive
to pour into an aperture; to fill up
to fill out a form or make entries
lane; side street
[ลูกกรอก] fetus, premature or stillborn baby, spirit of a small child

" กระหืดกระหอบ "
verb, intransitive
to pant; gasp for breath; be out of breath; be breathless