

c program to find minimum of 4 numbers using conditional operator in c

//C program to find Smallest among four numbers using Conditional or ternary operator


void main()
  // Variable declaration
   int a,b,c,d,small;

   printf("Enter four number
   scanf("%d %d %d %d",&a,&b, &c, &d);

 // Smallest among a, b, c and d2
   small = ( (a<b && a<c && a<d) ? a : (b<c && b<d) ? b : (c<d)? c : d );

 //Display Smallest number
   printf("Smallest Number is : %d",small);


c program to find minimum of 5 numbers using conditional operator in c

//C program to find Smallest among five numbers using ternary operator


void main()
  // Variable declaration
   int a,b,c,d,e,small;

   printf("Enter five number
   scanf("%d %d %d %d %d",&a,&b, &c, &d, &e);

 // Smallest among a, b, c and d
   small = ( (a<b && a<c && a<d && a<e) ? a : (b<c && b<d && b<e) ? b : (c<d && c<e)? c : (d<e)? d : e );

 //Display Smallest number
   printf("Smallest Number is : %d",small);


Code Example
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Source link
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