

progress indicator raytracer

for (int j = image_height-1; j >= 0; --j) {
        std::cerr << "
Scanlines remaining: " << j << ' ' << std::flush;
        for (int i = 0; i < image_width; ++i) {
            auto r = double(i) / (image_width-1);
            auto g = double(j) / (image_height-1);
            auto b = 0.25;

            int ir = static_cast<int>(255.999 * r);
            int ig = static_cast<int>(255.999 * g);
            int ib = static_cast<int>(255.999 * b);

            std::cout << ir << ' ' << ig << ' ' << ib << '

    std::cerr << "

Code Example
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Cpp :: ejemplo 
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Cpp :: cout two dimension array c++ 
Cpp :: contains in c++ map 
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Cpp :: dfs in tree using adjacency list 
Cpp :: C++ References 
Cpp :: c++ watch a variable 
Cpp :: copying a file to an array and sorting 
Cpp :: convert c program to c++ online 
Cpp :: c++ program to convert kelvin to celsius 
Cpp :: how to take continuous input in c++ until any value. Like for example(taking input until giving q) 
Cpp :: catalan numbers c++ 
Cpp :: inbuilt function for bin to dec in c++ 
Source link
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