

c# make first letter uppercase

        System.Console.WriteLine(char.ToUpper(str[0]) + str.Substring(1));

capitalize first letter c#

using static System.Globalization.CultureInfo;
var str = CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(sortColumn.ToLower().Trim());

first letter uppercase c#

// first letter of string
private string CapitalizeFirst (string input) {
  	char.ToUpper(myString[0]) + myString[1..]; // captalizes first letter

// first letter of each word
private string CapitalizeAll (string input) {
  	var words = input.Split(' '); // create array of words

  	// loop through all words and capitalize them
	for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
     	words[i] = CapitalizeFirst (words[i]);
  	return string.Join(' ', words);

string myString = "hello world";

// results
CapitalizeFirst(myString); // "Hello world"
CapitalizeAll(myString); // "Hello World"

first sentence letter capital in c#

public static class StringExtension
    public static string CapitalizeFirst(this string s)
        bool IsNewSentense = true;
        var result = new StringBuilder(s.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            if (IsNewSentense && char.IsLetter(s[i]))
                result.Append (char.ToUpper (s[i]));
                IsNewSentense = false;
                result.Append (s[i]);

            if (s[i] == '!' || s[i] == '?' || s[i] == '.')
                IsNewSentense = true;

        return result.ToString();

c# capitalize first letter of each word

public static class Capitalize
  public static string Word(string input)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
      return string.Empty;
    var a = input.ToCharArray();
    a[0] = char.ToUpper(a[0]);
    for (var i = 1; i < a.Length; i++)
      a[i] = char.ToLower(a[i]);
    return new string(a);

  public static string Sentence(string input)
    return string.Join(" ", input.Split(' ').Select(Word));

Code Example
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