

mailkit send attachment

var message = new MimeMessage ();
message.From.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Joey", ""));
message.To.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Alice", ""));
message.Subject = "How you doin?";

var builder = new BodyBuilder ();

// Set the plain-text version of the message text
builder.TextBody = @"Hey Alice,

What are you up to this weekend? Monica is throwing one of her parties on
Saturday and I was hoping you could make it.

Will you be my +1?

-- Joey

// We may also want to attach a calendar event for Monica's party...
builder.Attachments.Add (@"C:UsersJoeyDocumentsparty.ics");

// Now we just need to set the message body and we're done
message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody ();

mailkit send attachment

var message = new MimeMessage ();
message.From.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Joey", ""));
message.To.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Alice", ""));
message.Subject = "How you doin?";

// create our message text, just like before (except don't set it as the message.Body)
var body = new TextPart ("plain") {
    Text = @"Hey Alice,

What are you up to this weekend? Monica is throwing one of her parties on
Saturday. I was hoping you could make it.

Will you be my +1?

-- Joey

// create an image attachment for the file located at path
var attachment = new MimePart ("image", "gif") {
    Content = new MimeContent (File.OpenRead (path)),
    ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (ContentDisposition.Attachment),
    ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64,
    FileName = Path.GetFileName (path)

// now create the multipart/mixed container to hold the message text and the
// image attachment
var multipart = new Multipart ("mixed");
multipart.Add (body);
multipart.Add (attachment);

// now set the multipart/mixed as the message body
message.Body = multipart;


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