

Minimum Path Sum Rec

var minPathSum = function(grid) {
    const numRow = grid.length
    const numCol = grid[0].length
    const obj ={}
    const path =(row,col)=>{
        if(obj[row+ ':' +col] !== undefined){
            return obj[row+ ':' +col]
        let right = Infinity
        let down = Infinity
        if(col<numCol -1){
           right= path(row,col+1)
        if(row <numRow-1){
           down= path(row+1,col)
        if(right === Infinity && down === Infinity){
             right = down = 0
     const result = grid[row][col]+ Math.min(right,down);
        obj[row+ ':' +col] =result;
        return result
    return path(0,0)

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