

fastest way to output text file in python + Cout

import sys

print('This message will be displayed on the screen.')

original_stdout = sys.stdout # Save a reference to the original standard output

with open('filename.txt', 'w') as f:
    sys.stdout = f # Change the standard output to the file we created.
    print('This message will be written to a file.')
    sys.stdout = original_stdout # Reset the standard output to its original value

fastest way to output text file in python + Cout

import sys

print('This message will be displayed on the screen.')

original_stdout = sys.stdout # Save a reference to the original standard output

with open('filename.txt', 'w') as f:
    sys.stdout = f # Change the standard output to the file we created.
    print('This message will be written to a file.')
    sys.stdout = original_stdout # Reset the standard output to its original value

Code Example
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Python :: convert files from jpg to png and save in a new directory python 
Python :: fetch python 
Python :: python get all methods of object 
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Python :: pandas subtract integer from column 
Python :: python parse json file 
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Python :: convert series to datetime 
Python :: how to change the datatype of a row in pandas 
Python :: pytorch save model 
Python :: python gtts 
Python :: python copy all files in a folder to nother folder 
Source link
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