

tke cli

# List all available sub-commands
$ tke
# version of tke cli
$ tke version
# initialize tke cli - one shot modify kubeconfig location & NT-ID credentials to connect to cluster
$ tke init
# list all envs
$ tke envs
# Create a new alias env
$ tke alias-env -e <alias-name> -a <cluster url> -c <api url> -n <namespace> -u <nt-id> -k <kube-config-location> -i=true
# Login - Case 1 - With env variables `TKE_USERNAME` & `TKE_PASSWORD` are already set
$ tke -e <alias> login
    # Login happens without any interaction
# Login - Case 2 - When no env variables `TKE_USERNAME` & `TKE_PASSWORD` are set
$ tke -e <alias> login
    # Prompts for password
# Login - Case 3 - Overriding username set in alias (If env variables `TKE_USERNAME` & `TKE_PASSWORD` aren't set)
$ tke -e <alias> login -u kchennu1
    # prompts for password
# Login - Case 4 - Overriding username set in alias (If env variables `TKE_USERNAME` & `TKE_PASSWORD` are set)
$ tke -e <alias> login -u kchennu1
    # this -u has no effect. tke-cli picks up credentials from env variables.
# Generate KubeConfig file for K8s Service Account for use in CI/CD workflows
$ tke -e <alias> svc-account --name <service-account-name> --namespace <namespace>
# Copy config from remote endpoint
$ tke alias-copy -f <remote url>
    # eg: <remote url> =
# Update, delete aliases
$ tke -e <alias> alias-update
$ tke -e <alias> alias-delete
$ tke -e <alias> info
# Fetch TKE token
# tke -e <alias> token
    # prints access token

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Source link
8+9 =