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transnational issues | Transnational Organized Crime | travaux pr้paratoires | travel document for alien | treaty | Treaty of Amity and Cooperation | Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | ultra vires | unanimous vote | Unfriendly Act | unilateralism | United Nations Capital Development Fund | United Nations Centre for Human Settlements หรือ HABITAT | United Nations Children's Fund | United Nations Conference on Environment and Development | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | United Nations Development Fund for Women | United Nations Development Programme | United Nations Drug Control Programme | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | United Nations Emergency Force | United Nations Environment Programme | United Nations Fund for Population Activities | United Nations General Assembly | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research | United Nations Institute for Training and Research | United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women | United Nations Mine Action Service | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |

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