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Tidal forces
Tidal forces
the gravitational pull on planetary objects from nearby planets and moons. When the tidal forces of a planet and several moons are focused on certain moons, particularly if the orbits of the various objects bring them into alignment on a repeated basis, the tidal forces can generate a tremendous amount of energy within the moon. The intense volcanic acivity of Io is the result of the interaction of such tidal forces.

Tidal heating | Toroidal Radius | Transit | Trojan satellites | Troposphere | Tuff | Ultraviolet | Umbra | Universal Time (UT) | Vallis | Vastitas | Van Allen Belts | Variable Star | Vent | Vernal Equinox | Virgo Cluster | Visible Light | Visual Magnitude | Volcano | Wavelength | White Dwarf | White Light | Wolf-Rayet stars | X-ray Astronomy | X-ray | X-ray Star | Young | Zenith | Zodiac | Zodiacal Light |

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