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Idioms (สำนวน) และ Phrases (วลี)
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from time to time
from time to time
occasionally (but not very often). บางครั้งบางคราว

from/since the year dot | from/since the year one | get something off one’s chest | give the green light | go down a treat | going great guns | hang in there | hang on in there | hard to swallow | have a heart-to-heart (talk) | have egg on one’s face | have one’s head in the clouds | have one’s heart in the right place | have your ear to the ground also keep your ear to the ground | Hit the books | hit the road | hit the roof / go through the roof | hit town | Hold one’s breath | hold/stand your ground | hold the fort | hold your head high | hold your head up high | hold your own | hold your tongue | I (can) feel it in my bones | ill at ease | in a row | in deep water | in relation to = vis-a-vis | in someone’s good books | in the black | In the flesh |

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