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A plant of the genus Convolvulus; as, greater bindweed (C. Sepium); lesser bindweed (C. arvensis); the white, the blue, the Syrian, bindweed. The black bryony, or Tamus, is called black bindweed, and the Smilax aspera, rough bindweed.

Bine | Binervate | Binervate | Bing | Biniodide | Bink | Binnacle | Binny | Binocle | Binocular | Binocular | Binocular | Binocular | Binocularly | Binoculate | Binomial | Binomial | Binomial | Binominal | Binominous | Binotonous | Binous | Binoxalate | Binoxide | Binturong | Binuclear | Basal-nerved | Basalt | Basalt | Basaltic |

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