I l@ve RuBoard

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

C language 
    $TTL control statement 
    flushing data  2nd 
    minimum sizes for 
    multiple processes 
    negative answers 
    resource records  2nd 
    determining for messages  2nd 
    discarding messages in  2nd 
category substatement  2nd 
ccTLDs (country-code top-level domains) 
channel substatement  2nd  3rd 
     zzsort  [See also control channels][See also control channels]
    file channels 
    file log channel 
    null channel 
    syslog channel  2nd 
CHAOSNET  2nd  3rd  4th 
characters, illegal 
check-names substatement
    BIND version differences 
    options statement 
    promoting slaves 
    zone statement 
chroot( ) environment  2nd  3rd 
class field  2nd 
classes  2nd  3rd 
clients  2nd  3rd 
CNAME records
    $GENERATE control statement 
    BIND 4  2nd 
    delegating reverse-mapping  2nd 
    domain names  2nd 
    functionality  2nd 
    mail servers and 
    pointing to URLs 
    pointing to web servers 
    wildcard domain names and 
com domain 
compilation options  2nd 
concatenation  2nd 
condition=action clauses 
configuration files
    BIND 8/9 formats 
    rndc-confgen program 
    starting named automatically 
configure program 
    for virtual email addresses  2nd 
    anti-spam tests and  2nd 
    backup mail servers  2nd 
    based on mail routing  2nd 
    BIND 4 slave accommodation  2nd 
    BIND name servers 
    BIND Users mailing list 
    caching-only name servers  2nd 
    finding closest servers 
    IXFRs  2nd 
    mail servers 
    multiple mail servers  2nd 
    name servers 
        with firewalls 
        to forward queries  2nd 
        to listen 
        for not forwarding  2nd 
        for zones 
        for forwarding  2nd  3rd  4th 
    naming services order 
    primary masters for zones  2nd 
    resolvers  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    slave name servers  2nd 
    slaves for zones  2nd 
    stealth slaves 
    testing and  2nd 
Conrad, Lee 
control channels  2nd  3rd 
    zzsort  [See also inet control channel unix control channel][See also inet control channel unix control channel]
control messages
    default ports for 
    file descriptors and 
    key statement and 
    listening for 
    rndc and 
    rndc over IPv6 
controls statement
    BIND versions 
    configuring name servers  2nd  3rd 
    controlling multiple processes 
    controlling named processes 
    inet substatement  2nd  3rd 
    setting up rndc 
    testing configuration 
conversion, date/time 
country-code top-level domains  [See ccTLDs]
Cricket's Corner 
curly braces ({})  2nd  3rd 
cyclic order  2nd 

I l@ve RuBoard