I l@ve RuBoard

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one-answer zone transfers  2nd 
operating systems
     zzsort  [See also specific systems][See also specific systems]
    BIND versions 
    precompiled binaries 
    precompiled BIND 
    recommended working directories 
    resolver service order 
    setting local domain name 
    starting named automatically 
    support concerns 
options attempts directive 
options statement
    additional-from-auth substatement 
    allow-query substatement  2nd 
    allow-recursion substatement  2nd 
    allow-transfer substatement 
    also-notify substatement 
    BIND 9 
    blackhole substatement 
    check-names substatement 
    configuring name servers 
    contents of 
    datasize substatement 
    default-server substatement  2nd 
    forwarders substatement 
    heartbeat-interval substatement  2nd 
    listen-on-v6 substatement 
    max-ixfr-log-size substatement 
    named.conf file and 
    notify substatement  2nd 
    notify-source substatement 
    pid-file substatement  2nd 
    query-source substatement  2nd 
    recursion substatement 
    recursive-clients substatement 
    rndc.conf file 
    sortlist substatement 
    tcp-clients substatement 
    transfer-format substatement  2nd 
    transfer-in substatement 
    transfer-source substatement  2nd 
    transfers-out substatement  2nd 
    use-id-pool substatement 
    version substatement 
    zone-statistics substatement 
options timeout directive 
org domain 

I l@ve RuBoard