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abstract classes  2nd  [See also interfaces]3rd 
    interfaces compared to 
abstract keyword 
abstract methods 
    not used with explicitly implemented methods 
access modifiers 
    for class members  2nd  3rd 
    for classes  2nd 
    not used in interface methods 
    not used with explicitly implemented methods 
    get accessors  2nd 
    set accessors  2nd 
Add QuickWatch item, VS.NET debugger 
Add Watch item, VS.NET debugger 
Add() method, ArrayList class  2nd 
addition operator (+) 
    combining delegates 
addition self-assignment operator (+=) 
ADO.NET, books about 
aggregation of classes 
ampersand, two (&&), and operator 
analysis, object-oriented 
and operator (&&) 
Append() method, StringBuilder class 
AppendFormat() method, StringBuilder class 
applications  2nd  [See also debugger; executable files; projects; source code]
    creating from source code 
    running from VS.NET 
    types of  2nd 
arguments  [See parameters]
arithmetical operators  [See mathematical operators]
Array class  [See System.Array class]
array lists 
    copying to arrays 
ArrayList class 
arrays  2nd  3rd  [See also array lists]
    accessing elements of 
    collections copying to 
    default values of elements in 
    dimensions, number of 
    elements as value types 
    first instance of, determining 
    fixed size, determining if it has 
    index of 
    initializing (populating)  2nd 
    iterating through with foreach statement 
    jagged  2nd 
    last instance of, determining 
    length of  2nd 
    for methods with variable number of parameters 
    multidimensional  2nd 
    rectangular  2nd 
    as reference types 
    reversing order of elements in 
    sorting elements in 
    System.Array class implementing 
as operator  2nd 
ASP.NET  2nd  3rd 
assignment operator (=)  2nd  3rd  [See also equals operator]4th 
    copying strings 
assignment, definite  2nd 
association among classes 
asterisk (*) as multiplication operator 
asterisk, equals sign (*=), multiplication self-assignment operator 
at sign (@) beginning verbatim string literals 
attributes  2nd 
AutoHide property of window 
Autos window, VS.NET debugger 

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