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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]

! (not operator) 
!= (not equals operator)  2nd 
"spaghetti code" 
% (modulus operator) 
%= (modulus self-assignment operator) 
&& (and operator) 
> (greater than operator) 
>= (greater than or equal to operator) 
< (less than operator) 
<= (less than or equal to operator)  2nd 
() (parentheses)
    changing order of evaluation 
    grouping in regular expressions 
* (multiplication operator) 
*= (multiplication self-assignment operator) 
+ (addition operator) 
    combining delegates 
+ (concatenation operator) 
+ (plus sign), in Autos window 
++ (increment operator)  2nd 
+= (addition self-assignment operator) 
    adding events 
    adding to multicast delegates  2nd 
- (subtraction operator) 
-- (decrement operator) 
-= (subtraction self-assignment operator) 
    removing from multicast delegates 
. (dot operator), in object names 
.cs extension 
.csproj extension 
.NET Enterprise Servers 
.NET Framework 
.NET Framework Class Library (FCL) 
.NET platform  2nd  [See also C# language; VS.NET]
.NET programming
    books about 
    web sites about 
.NET types, corresponding to C# types 
.NET-enabled non-PC devices 
.sln extension 
/ (division operator) 
/* */ (comment delimeters) 
// (slashes, two), beginning comments 
/// (slashes, three), beginning comments 
/= (division self-assignment operator) 
; (semicolon), ending statements with  2nd 
= (assignment operator)  2nd  3rd 
    copying strings 
== (equals operator)  2nd  3rd 
? (ternary operator) 
@ (verbatim string literals) 
[] (square brackets)
    in array declarations 
    array index operator 
    in indexer declarations 
    in jagged array declaration 
    string index operator 
    in syntax specification 
\ (backslash), beginning escape characters 
\: (colon)
    creating a derived class 
    following labels 
    implementing interfaces 
    invoking constructor of base class 
\n (new line escape character)  2nd 
\t (tab escape character) 
^ (caret), indicating new line in regular expressions 
{} (braces)
    enclosing block of statements  2nd  3rd 
    enclosing class body  2nd 
    enclosing initial array elements 
    enclosing namespaces 
| (vertical bar), grouping in regular expressions 
|| (or operator) 

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