[ Team LiB ]

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C# language  2nd  3rd 
    compiler (csc.exe) 
    DataSet, creating with 
    language integration of 
    web service providers, creating with 
    Windows application development and 
C++ language  2nd  3rd 
    compiler (cl.exe) 
    language integration of 
    Window application development and 
CAB Files 
CacheDuration property 
call instruction, using Main( ) method 
CanBePooled( ) method 
cascade setting for ForeignKeyConstraint rules 
catch blocks
    in C# 
    in C++ 
CCW (COM Callable Wrapper) 
cfg file extension  2nd 
Char class  2nd 
checkboxs in HTML 
ChildRelations of DataTable objects 
CIL (Common Intermediate Language)  2nd 
cl compiler 
cl.exe (C++ compiler) 
class attribute for WebService directive 
class IL declaration 
Class keyword in VB.NET 
    C#, defining in 
    CLR support for 
    converting XML schema into 
    loaders  2nd 
CLI (Common Language Infrastructure)  2nd 
Click control property 
Client Certificates Authentication method 
Clone( ) method, constructing XML document tree 
CLR (Common Language Runtime)  2nd  3rd  4th 
    assemblies and manifests 
    Portable Executable Files 
CLS (Common Language Specification)  2nd  3rd 
    class loaders 
    JIT compilers 
CLSID (Class identifier) 
COBOL language 
code access 
code declaration blocks  2nd 
code identity 
code manager 
code verification 
code-rendering blocks  2nd 
Codebehind attribute for WebService directive 
COFF (Common Object File Format)  2nd 
COM (Component Object Model)  2nd  3rd  4th 
    COM+ Services and 
    Managed C++ and 
    windows application development and 
COM Callable Wrapper (CCW) 
COM Interop (COM interoperation) 
COM+ Explorer (Component Services Explorer) 
COM+ Services 
    attribute-based programming 
    role-based security 
command object 
comments (XML) 
Commerce Server 2000 
Common Intermediate Language  [See CIL]
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)  2nd 
Common Language Runtime  [See CLR]
Common Language Specification  [See CLS]
Common Object File Format (COFF)  2nd 
Common Programming Model 
Common Type System (CTS)  2nd  3rd 
CommonAppDataRegistry Application property 
    JIT (Just-in-Time) compilers 
component infrastructure of .NET framework 
Component Object Model  [See COM]
Component Pascal language 
Component Services Explorer (COM+ Explorer) 
    adding new versions of 
    versus assemblies 
    message queuing 
    web forms 
composite controls 
concepts in programming languages 
configuration files (.cfg) 
connection objects 
connections (server), pooling with ADO.NET 
connectionString method in SessionState class 
Console class, using WriteLine( ) method 
consumers (web services) 
containers  2nd  3rd 
content components  2nd 
    DataRelation class and 
    DataSet class and 
    DataTable class and 
    DataView class and 
Context property (control class) 
contractRef element 
controls  2nd 
    control class 
    custom, inserting into web page 
    forms, adding to 
Controls property (control class) 
Cookieless property in SessionState class 
cookies, managing session states 
CPModel class 
CreateChildControls method  2nd 
CreateHtmlTextWriter method  2nd 
CreateWindow Windows API 
cross-language debugging in VS.NET 
Cryptography child namespace 
csc compiler  2nd 
ctor( ) method 
CTS (Common Type System)  2nd  3rd 
custom attributes, developing/using 
custom controls
    inserting into web pages 
custom server controls 
    derivatives approach 
    pagelets approach 

[ Team LiB ]