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SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium method (Page class) 
SaveViewState method (control class) 
SAX (Simple API for XML) parsing specification 
SByte datatype 
scalability of ADO  2nd 
Schema Definition 
SCL (SOAP Contract Language) 
scrollbars in standard forms 
SDI (Single Document Interface) 
SDK (Software Development Kit) 
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 
security  2nd 
    properties in IIS Admin Tool 
    web services and 
security identifiers (SIDs) 
SEH (Structured Exception Handling) 
SELECT command (data retrieval) 
select HTML tag 
SelectedItemStyle, controlling visual formatting of DataGrid control 
Send( ) method 
server-side object tags 
ServerChange Web Form event 
ServerClick Web Form event 
    ADO.NET, scalability of 
    controls  2nd 
    distributed Hello application, writing for 
ServicedComponent class 
    network endpoints for Web 
    viewing software as 
session state management 
SessionState class, properties of 
SetComplete( ) method 
SetDefault setting for ForeignKeyConstraint rules 
SetNull setting for ForeignKeyConstraint rules 
shared assemblies  [See also assemblies]2nd  3rd  4th 
    making components 
shared components  [See also components]2nd 
Shared Name Utility (sn.exe)  2nd 
Shell Cache Viewer 
    adding new component versions 
Show control property 
ShowWindow Windows APIs 
SIDs (security identifiers) 
Simple API for XML (SAX) parsing specification 
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 
Single data type 
Single Document Interface (SDI) 
single-module assemblies 
Smalltalk language  2nd 
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 
sn.exe (Shared Name Utility) 
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)  2nd 
SOAP Contract Language (SCL) 
Software Development Kit (SDK) 
SortedList class  2nd  3rd 
SQL managed provider 
SQL SELECT command (data retrieval) 
SQL Servers  2nd 
    mode for session-state managing 
    session-state management for 
SQL UPDATE command, updating data 
SqlClient objects in SQL server managed provider 
SqlCommand connection property, executing commands 
sqlConnectionString property in SessionState class 
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 
Stack class  2nd  3rd  4th 
Standard ML language 
Standard Template Library (STL) 
standard text input (HTML) 
StartupPath Application property 
state management 
static assemblies 
Static Discovery 
STL (Standard Template Library) 
streams (XML files) 
String class  2nd 
Structured Exception Handling (SEH) 
styles, controlling visual formatting of DataGrid control 
syntax of Web Forms 
System namespaces 
system security  2nd  [See also security]
System.Attribute class, creating custom attributes 
System.Collections namespace 
System.Data namespace  2nd 
System.Data.Common namespace for managed providers 
System.Data.IDbConnection namespace, implementing 
System.Data.OleDb namespace 
System.IO namespace 
System.Messaging namespace 
System.Net namespace 
System.Object  2nd  3rd  4th 
System.Object root class 
System.Reflection namespace 
System.Runtime namespace 
System.Runtime.Remoting namespace 
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp namespace  2nd 
System.Security namespace 
System.Threading namespace 
System.Web.Services namespace  2nd 
System.Web.UI namespace  2nd 
    Page class 
    System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace and 
    System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace and 
    System.Windows.Forms namespace and 
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace  2nd 
System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace  2nd 
System.Windows.Forms namespace  2nd 

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