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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

ID property (control class) 
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)  2nd 
identities (unique) 
IDL (Interface Definition Language)  2nd 
IE (Internet Explorer) 
IID (Interface Identifier) 
IIS Admin Tool 
    pagelets and 
    Web Forms, rendering 
IJW (It Just Works) 
IL (Intermediate Language)  2nd  3rd 
    JIT compilers and 
ilasm.exe (MSIL Assembler)  2nd 
ildasm.exe (MSIL Disassembler)  2nd  3rd  4th 
img HTML image tag 
Implements keyword
    in C# 
    in VB.NET 
import directive in C++ 
Import keywords in VB.NET 
in attribute 
In-process mode for session-state managing 
indexers, CLR support for 
Information Server Application Program Interface (ISAPI) 
inheritance, as a programming concept 
Inherits keyword in VB.NET 
Init event 
InnerHtml property 
Inproc (In-Process) 
input type=x HTML tag 
INSERT command, updating data 
insert function 
InsertAfter( ) method, constructing XML document tree 
InsertBefore( ) method, constructing XML document tree 
instance attribute for .method declaration 
Int16 data type 
Int32 data type 
Int64 data type 
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)  2nd 
Integrated Windows Authentication method 
Interface Definition Language (IDL)  2nd 
Interface Identifier (IID) 
Interface keyword in VB.NET 
    as a programming concept 
    attribute for .class IL declaration 
    CLR support for 
Intermediate Language  [See IL]
Internet Explorer (IE) 
Internet Security  [See also security]2nd 
    of ADO.NET 
IPAddress class 
ISAPI (Information Server Application Programming Interface) 
IsCallerInRole( ) method 
IsInTransaction properties 
IsMdiChild property 
IsMdiContainer property 
IsPostBack property (Page class) 
IsValid (UserControl class) 
It Just Works (IJW) 
ItemStyle, controlling visual formatting of DataGrid control 

[ Team LiB ]