[ Team LiB ]

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

p-code language abstraction layer 
P/Invoke (Platform Invoke) 
Page class 
    Web Form events and 
Page_Load event handler 
pagelet approach 
Parent control property 
ParentRelations of DataTable objects 
parsers for XML 
Passport authentication service  2nd 
Path class 
PE (Portable Executable)  2nd  3rd 
    compiling files with JIT 
PE File viewer (dumpbin.exe)  2nd 
performance of ADO.NET  2nd 
Perl language 
Permissions child namespace 
platform of .NET 
point type operations 
Policy child namespace 
polymorphism  2nd 
port endpoint for web services 
Portable Executable 
portType XML element 
POST method 
    of HTTP protocol 
pragma compiler statement 
PreJIT compilers 
PrependChild( ) method, constructing XML document tree 
PreRender event 
PrimaryKey property 
Principal child namespace 
private assemblies 
private attribute 
private components 
private keys  2nd 
private keyword, signaling the C# compiler with 
private queues 
ProcessCmdKey control property 
productivity of ADO.NET  2nd 
programming concepts 
Project HailStorm 
    CLR support for 
    defining in C# 
providers (web service) 
public assemblies 
public keyword, signaling the C# compiler with 
public methods of Object classes 
publicKeyToken attribute in assemblyIdentity tag 
publickeytoken value 
published assemblies 
Python  2nd 

[ Team LiB ]