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garbage collection  2nd 
GDI+ API  2nd  [See also System.Drawing namespace]3rd 
    coordinate system used by  2nd  3rd 
    custom controls painted with 
    Graphics class 
    location and size types 
    unmanaged resources used by 
GenericFontFamilies enumeration 
GetBounds method, GraphicsPath 
GetChildRows method, DataRow class 
GetCommandLineArgs method, Environment class 
GetCreateInstanceSupported method, TypeConverter class 
GetEditStyle method, UITypeEditor class  2nd 
GetHitTest method, ControlDesigner class 
GetLocalizedString method, CategoryAttribute class 
GetParentRows method, DataRow class 
GetProperties method, TypeConverter class  2nd  3rd 
GetPropertiesSupported method, TypeConverter class 
GetService method, Component Class 
GetThumbnailImageAbort delegate, Image class 
GIF files  2nd 
GiveFeedbackEventArgs class 
GiveFeedbackEventHandler delegate 
graphics  [See drawing images]
Graphics class  2nd 
    color of objects 
    custom controls and  2nd 
    drawing shapes with 
    position and size of objects 
Graphics property, PaintEventArgs class  2nd 
Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate 
Graphics.EnumerateMetafileProc delegate 
GraphicsContainer class 
GraphicsPath class  2nd 
GraphicsPathIterator class 
GraphicsState class 
GraphicsUnit enumeration 
GridColumnStyles property, DataGridTableStyle class 
GridColumnStylesCollection class 
GridItem class 
GridItemCollection class 
GridItemType enumeration 
GridTablesFactory class 
GridTableStylesCollection class 
GroupBox class  2nd  3rd 
GuidConverter class 

[ Team LiB ]